David Didau
- Auteur
After 15 years teaching English in UK state schools, David Didau is now a freelance trainer, education consultant, conference speaker, provocateur and writer. His award-winning blog, The Learning Spy, is (apparently) one of most influential education blogs in the world and he is also the author of the best-selling, The Perfect English Lesson, The Secret of Literacy and What If Everything You Knew About Education Was Wrong? His Twitter handle is twitter.com/learningspy
After 15 years teaching English in UK state schools, David Didau is now a freelance trainer, education consultant, conference speaker, provocateur and writer. His award-winning blog, The Learning Spy, is (apparently) one of most influential education blogs in the world and he is also the author of the best-selling, The Perfect English Lesson, The Secret of Literacy and What If Everything You Knew About Education Was Wrong? His Twitter handle is twitter.com/learningspy
Boeken van David Didau
David Didau
Nick Rose
Psychologie in de klas
Hoe werkt het menselijk brein? Hoe leren kinderen en wat kunnen leraren doen om hun lessen daar beter op aan te laten sluiten? Wat is er nodig om leerlingen de lesstof beter te laten onthouden?
David Didau
Nick Rose
What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Psychology
While nothing works everywhere and everything might work somewhere, this is a guide to what we consider the best bets from the realm of psychology.