Joas Wagemakers
- Auteur
Joas Wagemakers is an Assistant Professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His research focuses mainly on Salafism and particularly Salafi ideology; the Muslim Brotherhood; citizenship, women's rights and rights of the Shi'a in Saudi Arabia; and Hamas. He has published many chapters and articles in these fields as well as several books, including: A Quietist Jihadi: The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (Cambridge, 2012), Salafisme (2014, co-authored with Martijn de Koning and Carmen Becker) and Islam in verandering: Vroomheid en vertier onder moslims binnen en buiten Nederland (2015, co-edited with Martijn de Koning).
Joas Wagemakers is an Assistant Professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His research focuses mainly on Salafism and particularly Salafi ideology; the Muslim Brotherhood; citizenship, women's rights and rights of the Shi'a in Saudi Arabia; and Hamas. He has published many chapters and articles in these fields as well as several books, including: A Quietist Jihadi: The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (Cambridge, 2012), Salafisme (2014, co-authored with Martijn de Koning and Carmen Becker) and Islam in verandering: Vroomheid en vertier onder moslims binnen en buiten Nederland (2015, co-edited with Martijn de Koning).
Boeken van Joas Wagemakers
Joas Wagemakers
De Moslimbroederschap
Wanneer de Moslimbroederschap opduikt in het nieuws of in gesprekken over de islam, gaat dat vaak gepaard met vooroordelen en wantrouwen.
Joas Wagemakers
Martijn de Koning
Islam in verandering
Islamitische Staat, hoofddoeken, integratievraagstukken en opinies van de Nederlandse politiek: de islam is steeds in het nieuws. Is zij onlosmakelijk verbonden met geweld zoals IS wil doen geloven?
Martijn de Koning
Joas Wagemakers
Carmen Becker
Met de radicale islam wordt in de media meestal Salafisme bedoeld, een van de meest besproken trends binnen de islam.
Joas Wagemakers
The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan
Since its founding in 1945, the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood has enjoyed decades of almost continuous parliamentary presence and state acceptance in Jordan, participating in elections, organising events and even establishing a hospital.
Joas Wagemakers
A Quietist Jihadi
Since 9/11, the Jordanian Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (b. West Bank, 1959) has emerged as one of the most important radical Muslim thinkers alive today.