Web Analytics 2.0
The art of online accountability & science of customer centricity
Paperback Engels 2009 1e druk 9780470529393Samenvatting
Het Web, online-marketing en adverteren hebben de laatste jaren een revolutie doorgemaakt, maar toch is de benadering en het gebruik van gegevens grotendeels dezelfde als die een decennium geleden was. Het boek 'Web analytics 2.0' laat zien hoe organisaties hun vermogen om zich sneller en slimmer in markten te bewegen, met de nieuwe generatie Web analytics, dramatisch zal verbeteren.
1. The Bold New World of Web Analytics 2.0.
State of the Analytics Union.
State of the Industry.
Rethinking Web Analytics: Meet Web Analytics 2.0.
Change: Yes We Can!
2. The Optimal Strategy for Choosing Your Web Analytics Soul Mate.
-Predetermining Your Future Success.
-Step 1: Three Critical Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Seek an --Analytics Soul Mate!
-Q1: "Do I want reporting or analysis?"
-Q2: "Do I have IT strength, business strength, or both?"
-Q3: "Am I solving just for Clickstream or for Web Analytics 2.0?"
-Step 2: Ten Questions to Ask Vendors Before You Marry Them.
-Q1: "What is the difference between your tool/solution and free tools from -Yahoo! and Google?"
-Q2: "Are you 100 percent ASP, or do you offer a software version? Are you planning a software version?"
-Q3: "What data capture mechanisms do you use?"
-Q4: "Can you calculate the total cost of ownership for your tool?"
-Q5: "What kind of support do you offer? What do you include for free, and what costs more? Is it free 24/7?"
-Q6: "What features in your tool allow me to segment the data?"
-Q7: "What options do I have for exporting data from your system into our company's system?"
-Q8: "What features do you provide for me to integrate data from other sources into your tool?"
-Q9: "Can you name two new features/tools/acquisitions your company is cooking up to stay ahead of your competition for the next three years?"
-Q10: "Why did the last two clients you lost cancel their contracts? Who are they using now? May we call one of these former clients?"
-Comparing Web Analytics Vendors: Diversify and Conquer.
-The Three-Bucket Strategy.
-Step 3: Identifying Your Web Analytics Soul Mate (How to Run an Effective Tool Pilot) .
-Step 4: Negotiating the Prenuptials: Check SLAs for Your Web Analytics Vendor Contract.
3. The Awesome World of Clickstream Analysis: Metrics.
-Standard Metrics Revisited: Eight Critical Web Metrics.
-Bounce Rate.
-Exit Rate.
-Conversion Rate.
-Web Metrics Demystified.
-Strategically-aligned Tactics for Impactful Web Metrics.
4. The Awesome World of Clickstream Analysis: Practical Solutions.
-A Web Analytics Primer.
-The Best Web Analytics Report.
-Foundational Analytical Strategies.
-Everyday Clickstream Analyses Made Actionable.
-Reality Check: Perspectives on Key Web Analytics Challenges.
5. The Key to Glory: Measuring Success.
-Focus on the "Critical Few".
-Five Examples of Actionable Outcome KPIs.
-Moving Beyond Conversion Rates.
-Measuring Macro and Micro Conversions.
-Quantifying Economic Value .
-Measuring Success for a Non-ecommerce Website.
-Measuring B2B Websites.
6. Solving the “Why” Puzzle: Leveraging Qualitative Data.
-Lab Usability Studies: What, Why, and How Much?
-Usability Alternatives: Remote and Online Outsourced.
-Surveys: Truly Scalable Listening.
-Web-Enabled Emerging User Research Options.
7. Failing Faster: Unleashing the Power of Testing and Experimentation.
-A Primer on Testing Options: A/B and MVT.
-Actionable Testing Ideas.
-Controlled Experiments: Step Up Your Analytics Game!
-Creating and Nurturing a Testing Culture.
-Tip 1: Your First Test is "Do or Die".
-Tip 2: Don't Get Caught in the Tool/Consultant Hype.
-Tip 3: "Open the Kimono"—Get Over Yourself.
-Tip 4: Start with a Hypothesis.
-Tip 5: Make Goals Evaluation Criteria and Up-Front Decisions.
-Tip 6: Test For and Measure Multiple Outcomes.
-Tip 7: Source Your Tests in Customer Pain.
-Tip 8: Analyze Data and Communicate Learnings.
-Tip 9: Two Must-Haves: Evangelism and Expertise.
8. Competitive Intelligence Analysis.
-CI Data Sources, Types, and Secrets.
-Website Traffic Analysis.
-Search and Keyword Analysis.
-Audience Identification and Segmentation Analysis.
9. Emerging Analytics: Social, Mobile, and Video.
-Measuring the New Social Web: The Data Challenge.
-Analyzing Offline Customer Experiences (Applications).
-Analyzing Mobile Customer Experiences.
-Measuring the Success of Blogs.
-Quantifying the Impact of Twitter.
-Analyzing Performance of Videos.
10. Optimal Solutions for Hidden Web Analytics Traps.
-Accuracy or Precision?
-A Six-Step Process for Dealing with Data Quality.
-Building the Action Dashboard.
-Nonline Marketing Opportunity and Multichannel Measurement.
-The Promise and Challenge of Behavior Targeting.
-Online Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: Challenges.
-Path to Nirvana: Steps Toward Intelligent Analytics Evolution.
-Step 1: Tag, Baby, Tag!
-Step 2: Configuring Web Analytics Tool Settings.
-Step 3: Campaign/Acquisition Tracking.
-Step 4: Revenue and Uber-intelligence.
-Step 5: Rich-Media Tracking (Flash, Widgets, Video).
11. Guiding Principles for Becoming an Analysis Ninja.
-Context Is Queen.
-Comparing KPI Trends Over Time.
-Beyond the Top 10: What's Changed.
-True Value: Measuring Latent Conversions and Visitor Behavior.
-Four Inactionable KPI Measurement Techniques.
-Search: Measuring the Value of Upper Funnel Keywords.
-Search: Advanced Pay-per-Click Analyses.
12. Advanced Principles for Becoming an Analysis Ninja.
-Multitouch Campaign Attribution Analysis.
-Multichannel Analytics: Measurement Tips for a Nonline World.
13. The Web Analytics Career.
-Planning a Web Analytics Career: Options, Salary Prospects, and Growth.
-Cultivating Skills for a Successful Career in Web Analysis.
-An Optimal Day in the Life of an Analysis Ninja.
-Hiring the Best: Advice for Analytics Managers and Directors.
14. HiPPOs, Ninjas, and the Masses: Creating a Data-Driven Culture.
-Transforming Company Culture: How to Excite People About Analytics.
-Deliver Reports and Analyses That Drive Action.
-Changing Metric Definitions to Change Cultures: Brand Evangelists Index.
-Slay the Data Quality Dragon: Shift from Questioning to Using Data.
-Five Rules for Creating a Data-Driven Boss.
-Need Budget? Strategies for Embarrassing Your Organization.
-Strategies to Break Down Barriers to Web Measurement.
-Who Owns Web Analytics?
Appendix: About the Companion CD.
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan