Philip Kotler is bijzonder hoogleraar internationale Marketing aan de Kellogg Graduate School of Management van de Northwestern University in Chicago.
Meer over de auteursA Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition
Paperback Engels 2015 9781292093147Samenvatting
A Succinct Guide to 21st Century Marketing Management
'A Framework for Marketing Management' is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller’s fifteenth edition of Marketing Management, a comprehensive look at marketing strategy. The book’s efficient coverage of current marketing management practices makes for a short yet thorough text that provides the perfect supplement for incorporated simulations, projects, and cases.
The Sixth Edition approaches the topic of marketing from a current standpoint, focusing its information and strategy on the realities of 21st century marketing. Individuals, groups, and companies alike can modernize their marketing strategies to comply with 21st century standards by engaging in this succinct yet comprehensive text.
Over Kevin Lane Keller
Part 1: Introduction to Marketing Management
1. Scope of marketing for the new realities
2. Marketing strategies and plans
3. Marketing research and analysis
Part 2: Connecting with Customers
4. Building long-term customer relationships
5. Buying Dynamics of consumers and business
Part 3: Strategic Brand Management
6. Target Marketing
7. Competitive and effective brand positioning
8. Branding and core business growth
Part 4: Value Creation
9. Product mix and new offerings
10. Analyzing and marketing services
11. Concepts and tools for strategic pricing
Part 5: Value Delivery
12. Developing and managing strategic and integrated marketing channels
13. Managing retailing, wholesaling, and logistics
Part 6: Value Communication
14. Designing and managing integrated marketing communications
15. Managing mass communications
16. Managing digital communications
17. Managing personal communications
Part 7: Managing the Marketing Organization for Long-Term Success
18. Responsible marketing in a global environment
Brand, company and name index
Subject index
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan