Jeroen Blijsie is a visual facilitator, trainer, author, and founder of The Visual Connection, located in The Netherlands.
Meer over de auteursThe World of Visual Facilitation
Paperback Engels 2019 1e druk 9789082868500Samenvatting
Visual practice is transforming the way people work. It makes conversations visible, ideas tangible, and decisions clear. If you’ve wondered how to tap into the power of visual practice in your team or organization, or if you’ve ever wished for meetings where everyone participates and gets energized and excited about the work you’re doing together, this is the book for you.
Learn from experts around the world who are immersed in visual practice every day: a visual coach who helps clients envision and achieve their goals; a facilitator who is passionate about hosting great meetings; a consultant who empowers teams to reach and sustain high performance; a graphic recorder who helps communities rebuild after a disaster. These stories (and many more!) are told by industry leaders – those who bring visuals to offices, retreats, schools, digital meetings, and everywhere else that collaboration happens.
Filled with rich illustrations, step-by-step guides, and examples of visuals in action, this field guide will teach you how to harness the power of visuals for your organization. Whether you’re looking to break into the field of visual facilitating, or you’re a seasoned veteran seeking to expand your tool kit with new techniques (like creating and shooting a sketch video), The World of Visual Facilitation is your go-to guidebook for all things visual.
Over Tim Hamons
Over Rachel Smith
Online Bonus Material XII
From the Editors XIII
Foreword XVII
Acknowledgements XXI
The Book Behind the Scenes XXIII
* Getting Started
Holger Nils Pohl
My Journey as a Visual Facilitator 3
Malgosia Kostecka
The FUNdamentals of Visual Language 9
Kelvy Bird and Holger Nils Pohl
Using Color 19
Heather Leavitt Martinez
Lettering for Legibility, Hierarchy, and Speed 27
Tomoko Tamaari
Visualization of Human Emotion 37
Tim Hamons and Jerre Lubberts
Graphic Formats: Start with the Right Structure 45
Jim Nuttle
Polish Your Charts for Clarity and Impact 59
Mara Callaert
How to Set Up a Room for Visual Facilitation 73
Renatta Algalarrondo
The Right Tool for the Job 79
Mike Rohde
Sketchnoting: Your First Step Into Visual Thinking 99
Jessamy Gee
Visual Note Taking: Elements & Principles 113
Martine Vanremoortele
Graphic Recording: An Improvisational Dance with the Facilitator 125
Dana Wright Wasson
Using Stickies To Create Exciting Ideas and Engaged Participants 133
Holger Nils Pohl
Designing Meetings with the Clarity Framework 137
Meetings and More
Dana Wright Wasson
In Defense of Meetings 147
Nevada Lane
Visual Meeting Warm-ups 153
Mia Liljeberg
Presentation Skills: Let the Picture Do the Job 161
Rosanna von Sacken and Jenny Trautman
Multi-Sensory Facilitation Tools and Applications 169
Sam Bradd
The Camera as a Visual Tool to Close a Meeting 177
Tomohide Oshima and Sabine Soeder
Visuals in World Café: How to Prepare, Host, and Harvest 181
Sabine Soeder
Co-Creation of the First Tirolean Entrepreneurs’ Day in Austria 189
Tomohide Oshima
A Multilocation World Café in Japan: Big Plans for a Big Visual Event 199
Sam Bradd
Visuals at Large Events 211
Anthony Weeks
Centering Listening in Visual Practice 221
Sophia Liang
Tackling Our Listening Mindset 229
Brandy Agerbeck
The Value of Visual Organization 239
Julie Stuart
Sensing into Emergence 253
Gerauld Wong
What Do You Mean?! Creating Purposeful Dialogue from Visuals 263
Tracey Ezard
Conversations that Matter: Visual Collaboration among Educators 273
Matthew Magain
Better Communication with the Empathy Forecast 285
Sophia Liang
The Metaphor in Visual Practice 293
Anthony Weeks
Is Your Metaphor a Box or a Catalyst? 304
Anthony Weeks
Facilitating for Story 305
Tiffany Forner
Storymap Project Lessons: A Designer’s Perspective 315
Renate Kenter
IMAGEning the Future 329
Lynn Carruthers
The Joy of Templates 339
Jill Greenbaum
Coaching with Templates 347
Dana Wright Wasson
Creating Impactful Employee Engagement with Templates 355
Laurie Durnell
How to Get Teams Unstuck Using Visuals 363
Jeannel King
One Visual Meeting Creates One Huge Shift 371
* Beyond the Paper
Holger Nils Pohl
The Case for Digital Facilitation 381
Comparing Paper and Digital Media 387
Holger Nils Pohl
App Magic: Presenting and Facilitating Using Digital Media 389
Jerre Lubberts
Live Digital Mapping 395
Amy Lenzo
Connection, Collaboration, Creativity: Using Visuals for Online Engagement 405
Brian Tarallo
Visual Facilitation in 3D 415
Greg Whicker
Creating Immersive Visual Environments 425
Dean Meyers
Facilitating with All Hands at Play 431
Marsha Acker
Using the Geography of the
Room to Access Collective Intelligence 439
Matthew Magain
A Bulletproof Process to Creating Sketch Videos 449
Matthew Magain
Shooting a Sketch Video: Tips and Tricks 459
* Pro Stories
Tul Lekutai
My Journey as a Visual Facilitator: From Buildings to Court Rooms 471
Julie Stuart
Creating a Visually Immersive Experience from Start to Finish 477
Tomoko Tamaari
Visuals for Recovery: A Story of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake 485
Philip Guo
Digital Graphic Recording, Live on Chinese Television 491
Jillian Lee
Future Heroes: Graphic Facilitation for Industry 4.0 499
Jill Greenbaum
My Journey as a Visual Facilitator 511
Frank Wesseler
Understanding Business Processes through Visualization 517
Ben Tinker
Honoring People and Process through Visuals 531
Dean Meyers
Facilitating Human-Centered Design: People Come First 543
Lisa Arora
Visuals Meet Mediation 555
Lynne Cazaly
Agile Ways of Working 563
Marko Hamel
Visual Selling®: RethINK Customer ConversationsOn Paper and Digitally 575
Marko Hamel
The 13 Most Common Visual Selling Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them 587
Trent Wakenight
Future of the Field: Introduction 599
Mathias Weitbrecht
Future Casting Our Field 601
Kelvy Bird
Attending to Tone 609
Michelle Walker
The Growing Edge for Visual Practitioners 617
Sabine Soeder and Mary Alice Arthur
An Integrated Approach to Visual Facilitation of the Future 627
Trent Wakenight
Future of the Field: Conclusion 635
About The Editors And Co-Authors 637
Index 647
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan