Tom Vandromme studeerde rechten aan de Universiteit Antwerpen, waar hij in 2018 ook de doctorstitel behaalde.
Meer over de auteursStudent Housing in Europe
An overview of policies and regulations in several countries
Gebonden Engels 2022 1e druk 9789462362673Samenvatting
Throughout Europe, students move from their home address to accommodation, whether temporary or not, near their university or college. The majority of European countries have experienced a sharp increase in the number of students in higher education in recent years and, consequently, in the number of students staying in student housing. At the same time there is a severe housing shortage in several countries, including sharply rising housing prices and rents in urban areas, where also the higher education institutions are located. As a result, students and housing seekers come into competition with each other while searching for affordable accommodation.
Although there are major differences within Europe in the way student accommodation is provided, there are also many similarities. In this book, we provide an overview of student housing policies and regulations in 14 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
Student Housing in Europe is the fourth volume in the series that seeks to examine the many facets of housing law from a variety of academic and professional perspectives.
Tom Vandromme, Nicolas Carette and Diederik Vermeir
I. Introduction 1
II. Policy Context 1
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 6
IV. Analysis 8
V. Country Reports 24
Country Report for Austria 25
Helmut Ofner
I. Introduction 25
II. Policy Context 25
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 29
IV. Analysis 30
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework (Conclusion) 37
Country Report for Belgium 39
Tom Vandromme, Nicolas Carette and Diederik Vermeir
I. Introduction 39
II. Policy Context 40
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 45
IV. Analysis 46
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 62
Country Report for Denmark 65
Daniel Skov
I. Introduction 65
II. Policy Context 65
III. Legal Framework 69
IV. Analysis 71
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework (Specific Bottlenecks or Areas for Improvement Are Included in the Relevant Section) 84
Country Report for England 87
Mark Jordan
I. Introduction 87
II. Policy Context: England 88
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 98
IV. Analysis 98
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 112
Country Report for France 117
Asimina Tsalpatourou
I. Introduction 117
II. Policy Context 118
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental Student Housing 122
IV. Analysis 124
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework (Specific Bottlenecks or Areas for Improvement Are Included in the Relevant Section) 132
Country Report for Germany 135
Christoph U. Schmid
I. Introduction 135
II. Policy Context 136
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 143
IV. Analysis 143
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 155
Country Report for Hungary 157
Anna Kerékgyártó and Nóra Tosics
I. Introduction 157
II. Policy Context 157
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 164
IV. Analysis 166
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 177
Country Report for Ireland 181
Padraic Kenna
I. Introduction 181
II. Policy Context 181
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 187
IV. Analysis 192
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 202
Country Report for Italy 205
Alessandro Dinisi
I. Introduction 205
II. Policy Context 205
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 211
IV. Analysis 214
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 228
Country Report for the Netherlands 231
Nynke Smit and Michel Vols
I. Introduction 231
II. Policy Context 231
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 235
IV. Analysis 236
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 246
Country Report for Poland 249
Grzegorz Matusik
I. Introduction 249
II. Policy Context 249
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 253
IV. Analysis 254
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 263
Country Report for Portugal 265
Maria Olinda Garcia and Dulce Lopes
I. Introduction 265
II. Policy Context 265
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 271
IV. Analysis 272
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 281
Country Report for Spain 283
Gemma Caballé Fabra
I. Introduction 283
II. Policy Context 285
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental (or Other) Student Housing 290
IV. Analysis 293
V. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 299
Country Report for Sweden 303
Per Norberg
I. Introduction 303
II. Policy Context 304
III. Legal Framework Regarding Rental Housing 308
IV. A Representative Example of the Legal and Factual Situation of Students Renting Their Home 316
V. Analysis 318
VI. General Assessment of the Regulatory Framework 324
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