Jürgen Ingels is de motor achter verschillende start- en scale-ups en oprichter van het SmartFin-fonds dat groeiende bedrijven financiert en bijstaat.
Meer over Jurgen IngelsStart, Grow, Sell
50 Lessons for Successful Entrepreneurship
E-book Epub met watermerkbeveiliging Engels 2020 1e druk 9789401474597Samenvatting
'We learn by doing,' the old adage tells us. And in the case of entrepreneurship, you can take that literally! Becoming a successful entrepreneur involves lots of hard work and learning from your mistakes as you progress. There is no magic formula, but following the right lessons can take you a long way.
In 'Start, Grow, Sell', Jürgen Ingels reveals the lessons he has learned as a top entrepreneur. He gives concrete, practical tips about how you can take your company to the next level, from your business model to operations, from marketing and sales to human resources and from the composition of your team to the financial structure of your organization.
1 (1.01)³⁶⁵ = 37.78 21
2 Entrepreneurs peak around the age of 45 24
3 Think before you act 27
4 Entrepreneurship in the blood 30
5 Slower. Less. Costlier. 35
6 Don’t throw dust in people’s eyes 38
7 Life is like a box of chocolates? 41
8 The law of time reduction 45
9 Dealers and junkies 48
10 The super-factor 52
11 Focus on your talents and waste no time on the rest 56
12 Hunters and farmers 58
13 The Porsche 62
14 From serial to parallel 64
15 The chicken syndrome 67
16 Fundraising: how to start 69
17 Fundraising: pitching, negotiating, closing the deal 76
18 After the fundraising 83
19 Convincing investors in ten slides 86
20 Why? 89
21 The bar, the beating heart of every office 91
22 What you can learn from the Roman Empire 94
23 Change a winning team 97
24 Cultural knowledge and a strong liver 101
25 Twenty reasons why start-ups fail 106
LC - 50 Tips for Entrepreneurial Greatness - Drukklaar.indd 5 3/12/20 10:05
6 Start, Grow, Sell
26 Show me the money 114
27 Trust is good, control is better 116
28 The Schumacher of Excel 120
29 The lift 122
30 The fifty-million dollar model 124
31 Mickey Mouse 130
32 Long live the CFO! 135
33 Listen to your market, your customers, and your mother-in-law 138
34 Clean-Up-Your-Shit-days 142
35 Sticking to the job 144
36 Getting the most out of your sales pipeline 146
37 Tame the meeting tigers 149
38 Buy a scanner 151
39 Unknown is unloved 153
40 Twenty percent effort, eighty percent result 157
41 Fire fast and hire slow 159
42 Firing people: pity yes, self-pity no 162
43 From the moaners to the passionate: eight types of employees 165
44 Every disadvantage has its advantage 169
45 Senna 172
46 Double whammy 175
47 M&A: from the perspective of the seller 177
48 M&A: from the perspective of the buyer 182
49 All work and no play … 186
50 Sitting is the new smoking 188
Conclusion 192
About the author 196
Annex 1: Data room 197
Annex 2:DOA 206
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan